Thursday, December 15, 2011

Add Quakes to Rumblings Over Gas Rush

By: Henry Fountain
Published: New York Edition (December 12, 2011)

Rust Belt City in Youngstown, Ohio has not experienced an earthquake since the 18th century. The city has a title of seismically inactive area. The Ohioans have experienced 9 quakes in the past 8 months. Seismologists have came to a conclusion that the epicenter of these quakes happens to be a 9,000 feet well in the industrial lot of the Mahoning River.At the well, a local company has been disposing of brine and other liquids from natural gas wells across the border in Pennsylvania in a process known as hydraulic fracturing. The process takes out gas from shale rock. "Fracking" is a developing process that is being disputed by many environmentalists for the fact that it is responsible for air and water pollution in the area. Scientists and government officials are not convinced that fracking is the only trigger for the incline in earthquakes but the opinion varies. Not much action has been taken place but a potential link caused Arkansas to shutdown a disposal well and create a 1,100 square mile boundary around the area of where disposal wells are forbidden.

Fracking is not a quite a global topic at the mean time and with new problems occurring, fracking might be a failed attempt at a better and healthier solution for obtaining fossil fuels. Government officials have been searching for a transition into a healthier solution of obtaining fossil fuels but also keep in mind financial deficit. As we learned from evidence of others in the documentary about fracking we are currently watching in class, fracking is not the alternative most Americans are looking for. Personally I do not have an opinion on the topic because I do not know all the facts, but I do think that fracking will not become the US's scape code to global concerns amongst the go-green effort.

Is fracking ultimately a healthier solution to obtaining fossil fuels?
Does fracking have a predominant future?
What are PA's specific laws in dealing with fracking?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Natural Gas Fracking Linked to Water Contamination
-This picture shows what a typical drilling site looks like.
- Federal environmental officials have found a link to underground water to hydraulic fracturing. This concludes that most of the contaminants in the local underground water came from drilling for natural gas. The EPA was then called in to have their input on the situation. They came out with a statement stating that the contamination "had most likely seeped up from gas wells and contained at least 10 compounds known to be used in frack fluids."  Before this was discovered, most people said that it wasn't true, now that it is known that fracking can contaminate underground water, this issue could change a lot of different states' opinions on whether they should frack or not.
-Even though fracking can contaminate our underground water, we need to do it since we are running low on fossil fuels. My dad is in this hunting club upstate and there is going to be drilling on that property. A lot of people might not like it, but once the drillers come to them and ask to drill their land, they're not going to say no since people are getting a lot of money to have them drill on their property. Besides, there are tests that can be done to get contaminates out.

-Is there a way to prevent the underground water from seeping into the gas wells?
-Could the drillers be more careful when fracking?
-Would this ultimately change the states' opinions on fracking?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Solar Energy Panels Facts Created by John Tarantino

- To the right is a picture of solar panels absorbing the
-The solar energy industry is growing rapidly. It is allowing people to have energy in places where power lines don't exist. A report by the US Department of Energy stated that the number of jobs in the field of solar energy is on the rise. In fact already over 10,000 people have jobs and the demand has been rising by 6.8% annually in the U.S. A company by the name of Martifer Solar is doing really well even in the economic unstability. The company is located in 11 different countries including Spain which is one of the largest solar panel manufacturing companies in the world. It has accomplished their goal of using alternative energy for 12% of of all the energy in Spain and is way ahead of most countries in the renewable energy industry.

-I think its great that the solar industry is on the rise. Its a great way to get energy with out polluting the earth. I think that all countries should follow Spains lead and begin to set goals for ourselves. If we start using alternative energy we could really help our planet and maybe even stop using fossil fuels altogether. That is what we should strive for. At my house we have solar panels on our roof and they give us energy throughout the whole day and don't cause any pollution.

-Will we ever be able to stop using fossil fuels altogether?

-Will solar energy become the most common source of energy ever?

-Are poor countries able to get solar panels? If so will it help them become more efficient?

Monday, December 5, 2011

Unfair Fight for Renewable Energy


In this article it talks about money spending on renewable energy resources. It talks about how they are making cuts to our spending on renewable resources that are benefiting our environment such as nuclear, solar and, wind energy. The sun puts more energy on the earth in an hour than we use from getting energy from the earth in a whole year. It says that in the next presidential campaign that they should focus primarily on energy spending. It says we shouldnt get rid of fossil fuels but we should even out the spending of fossil fuels and other renewable energy resources.


I agree with this 100%. We should be spending the same because the resources other then fossil fuels are good for our environment and we need to keep our environment healthy. We should keep what were doing just level out the spending. We barely spend any money on the other renewable resources and so much on fossil fuels i heard my parents talking about this one time after it was on the news

-are we going to change spending

-how would we change it

-would it be evened out