Monday, December 5, 2011

Unfair Fight for Renewable Energy


In this article it talks about money spending on renewable energy resources. It talks about how they are making cuts to our spending on renewable resources that are benefiting our environment such as nuclear, solar and, wind energy. The sun puts more energy on the earth in an hour than we use from getting energy from the earth in a whole year. It says that in the next presidential campaign that they should focus primarily on energy spending. It says we shouldnt get rid of fossil fuels but we should even out the spending of fossil fuels and other renewable energy resources.


I agree with this 100%. We should be spending the same because the resources other then fossil fuels are good for our environment and we need to keep our environment healthy. We should keep what were doing just level out the spending. We barely spend any money on the other renewable resources and so much on fossil fuels i heard my parents talking about this one time after it was on the news

-are we going to change spending

-how would we change it

-would it be evened out


  1. I'm really suprised that we are beginging to cut speniding on renewable resources because I thought we were really begining to move away from fossil fuels. I know first hand that using solar energy is expensive at first because my family had solar panels put on to our roof. Although costly to install they eventually pay for themselves because its free energy. Thats another reason I'm so suprised they are cutting back spending because the energy we get is free. In my opinion we should be spending more so we can get rid of fossil fuels. I found this article that talks about how building buisness green can actually save tax payers money.

  2. I don't understand why they would not be spending money on renewable resouces. Citizens are worried about this earth due to pollution and fossil fuels are helping the pollution problem greatly. For Student Council we are working on getting solar pannels put on the science wing to recieve free energy.You are paying more money up front but, later saving money and helping the environment out. Personally, I think they should be spending extra on renewable resources and a lot less on fossil fuels. We should be striving to get rid of fossil fuels being burnt and destroying our air quality.

    Why has the amount of money being spent been altered?
    Has it been like this before?
    Could this create more pollution then ever before?
    If renewable energy is a better alternative then why are we not trying to make more of it?

  3. With the current state of our nation, cutting back on expenses is common. I was not surprised to see that we have also made cuts on the spending of renewable resources. Fossil fuels like coal and petroleum are a common commodity and have been so since the 1800s. The new wave of going green revolves around using renewable resources more predominantly in every day energy uses. The only problem is that maintenance and generation of renewable energies is costly which is why the transformation has not smoothly taken place. Most American families have had to ponder over their next car selection being electrical or gasoline powered. My sister almost bought an electrical car but the maintenance and overall cost was too high because the manufacturing of the car is longer and more money is put into the development than the process of gasoline powered cars.

    Link on electrical battery cars:

    Will our nation ever change our ways even with our large financial debt?
    How have other highly populated countries made the switch?
    Will the end of gasoline powered cars be in our lifetime?

  4. I agree that getting rid of fossil fuels and replacing them with renewable resources like wind and solar energy is a good idea. Even though this could cost a lot of money, in the long-run, it wold be worth it. I know that upstate, they are starting to use wind power. I think using wind power here would be better than solar given the fact that we don't get a lot of sun. To answer one of Jimmy's questions, I do believe that the spending will change. With the statistics of the U.S running out of oil in the near future, a lot of effort and money would, and should, be put into this.
