Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Plastic Seas

Ally's Post
A Sea Captain Chances Upon a Sea of Plastic Waste—And a Lifelong Mission—in the Book Plastic Ocean.
The picture was not showing up in my email, so I could not link it.

A thousand miles from land halfway between California and Hawaii is full of pollution. Captain Charles Moore states that there was not a minute that passed that he did not see plastic waste floating by. This scene has also been called “Great Pacific Garbage Patch,” This issue is not only about plastic pollution in the pacific but also that it has reached ocean homes and creature bodies. The picture above shows realistically just how bad this has turned into. I think that the pollution needs to end so that the ocean animals stay healthy and safe.

Is this issue brought up in the media?

When did this get out of control?

How can it come to an end?


  1. I have heard of this big patch of pollution before. Our world pollutes alot and it isnt good for us. Not only us but wildlife also. We need to come together and stop pollution. How do fish react to this big patch of pollution?

  2. I also heard about this and it's pretty gross. I don't think this really could come to an end since it will be hard to figure out where to actually put our trash.

  3. -I agree that we should try to eliminate or at least decrease the amount of polluting we do. It could do a lot of damage to the oceans ecosystem and might cause a decrease in fish which we us as food.
    -I found an article about fish eating the plastic waste in the ocean. Researchers are worried about the effects it might have on the food chain but are still unsure of how its effecting the fish. http://www.conservationmagazine.org/2011/07/trash-fish/
