Thursday, September 15, 2011

Some Like It Hot: in warming seas, some fish lose while others gain

- This is a picture of the northern european coastline where temperatures in the ocean are rising greatly.
-Warmer ocean tempertures can cause more diverse schools of fish in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean. Studies have shown that warm-water species are doing better in the European shelf then the southern cold-adapted types of fish. Stephan Simpson, from the University of Bristol, and his team have studied over a million square kilometers of the European continental shelf and over 100 million fish for the past 28 years. For the past 30 years the northeastern Atlantic ocean has been warming at four times the global average and is considered the "cauldron of climate change." Temperature influences egg maturation rates, growth, and fish larve survival and impacts the planktonic communites in the ocean. 72% of fish in Europe have already shown a response to the rise in temperature, 3 0f every 4 of those fish have grown in population. There is a chance of a further decline in cold-adapted fish as exotic warm water species grow.

- I was shocked to learn how much the ocean temperatures have been rising and I was also surprised by how much the fish and plankton were effected by the ocean temperature change. The whole world is going through climate change, land and water. I eat fish all the time and it worries me that some populations of fish are going down due to the change in temperature. we should pollute less to help climate control.

-Why isn't this issue discussed more?

Will polluting less cause the problem to go away?

Are there any ways to stop climate change altogether?

Will this issue cause a lot of problems for fisherman?


  1. I also like to eat fish, so it stinks that some of the fish that people eat could possibly go extinct due to the fact that the ocean temperature is going up. I feel that in the future we're going to have a lot of issues pertaining to the environment and how that could possibly affect our lives. I think that this would definitely cause a lot of problems for fishermen since the population of certain fish are depleting. But, on the other hand, it does help some since some of the types of fish are growing in population since they like the warm water.

  2. I eat fish too and if this temperature rate keeps on rising they are going to become extinct. Although they're warm water fish growing in this enviornment, the cold water fish are dying out. This is affecting fisherman since there is a decrease in fish. This issue needs to be brought up and fixed before it gets out of control.
    ~What is causing the water to warm?

  3. I am shocked to find out that rising water temperatures affect the lives of fish and other sea animals. I like to eat fish and if fish cold water fish die out that would have an affect on business and lives. I think polluting less will help. Pollution is one of the main reasons of climate change. How can we keep more populations of fish alive?
